Thursday 16 May 2013

Australian Brothel History now on Trakaa App

The Kalgoorlie Gold Rush is well known Worldwide.

When Paddy Hannan discovered gold in 1893 the Kalgoorlie gold rush attracted people from all over the world seeking their fortune. Of course the population being basically men created another need, Women.

Prostitutes moved into various parts of Kalgoorlie and Boulder.
Eventually as the town grew this caused social and health problems that were getting out of hand so in 1901 an attempt to designate a red light district began.
In 1902 after much opposition and no real support from the Government the Council made a move, Brookman St west of Lane St was re-named Hay Street and gazetted as such, this led to the famous red light district of Kalgoorlie and eventually the implementation of the containment policy.
The Red House is reputed to be the oldest standing and still operating brothel in Kalgoorlie.

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